Yaoyu Tan


Austin Hall

Austin Hall 324

2751 SW Jefferson Way

2751 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Master of Science in Business in Supply Chain Analytics, Oregon State University, 2022
Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Concentration in Statistics, San Jose State University, 2020

Profile Field Tabs

Affiliated with: 
College of Business
Research/Career Interests: 

Machine Learning Algorithms and Application

Computational Mathematics

Computational Photography

Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

Sports Statistics

Beyond OSU

Content Analyst, Vaco San Francisco, August 2022 - Present

Student Service Assistant, INTO Oregon State University, September 2021 - June 2022

Personal Interests: 

As a Student of statistics, I am always fascinated with numbers, data, and, of course, mathematics as a whole. Though I am not involved in any research project at the moment (or ever), I do have some interest in cryptography and classic cryptanalysis. Sometimes you may find me listening to number stations (look it up! Fascinating stuff) at night or just indulging myself in math YouTube content.

As a former international student, I always see myself as a part of the huge campus global community, and I am always willing to help out those in need.

When I am not doing my professional work or teaching, I like playing little video games or just chilling out somewhere, either on campus or within the boundary of Benton - Linn County. When I am alone, I like to hang out with my cat Senna, and just do whatever with her. I am also a member of the OSU Motorcycle Club and I ride a Honda Grom MSX125. If you want to join our Discord server, send us an email!

I am also a hobbyist barista and coffee roaster. If you want a small sample of the coffee I roasted, well...my roaster is broken so no fresh coffee beans for the time being, but if you want to have a conversation about coffee, I am always happy to join in!

My Publications

I currently have no publications listed within this site.